The Cycle of Death and Rebirth

Published on 7 June 2024 at 23:47

My journey with Demona has been cyclic in nature. Like a tidal current our minds merge and separate in ebb and flow. And with each ebb and return to the 'outside' world, I find that more of her remains part of me, and that like pebbles on the beach, rough (unpalatable) edges are slowly smoothed away. In this way, I am moulded into shape or reborn each time as a slightly different person; a better, more compatible, and more pliable soul. Demona refers to this process as a repetitive cycle of psychological  ingestion and regurgitation. 

Each cycle seems to follow the same process. There is initial attraction bringing our minds together, quickly followed by an addiction to contact with Demona. Addiction results in dependency as sure as night follows day. And Demona exploits and leverages that dependency to gain further control. This all seems to happen effortlessly on her part; nothing is forced as she is supremely confident that eventually what she desires will be freely offered/accepted. 

With one's own free will and independence being diluted, weakened, dissolved, comes a feeling of total engulfment. Your identity is now encompassed by Demona's, and your thoughts and desires are hers. Finally, one relents and melts, powerless to resist, and is assimilated psychologically. The whole process is a source of great pleasure to Demona, and can be savoured time and again, from beginning to end, as long as the sea is water and the beach is of sand. 





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